In the quest for beautifully radiant skin, many women are stumbling across skin care treatments with Alpha Hydroxy Acid (or AHA). At first, the thought of applying acid to your skin sounds counter productive, but in our pursuit of knowledge we have discovered that AHA's are the next best thing since sliced bread. Hydroxy acids are some of the most widely used and researched ingredients among the anti-aging skin care community. Clinical studies have shown the effectiveness in Alpha Hydroxy Acid products to significantly improve elasticity, skin tone, minimize wrinkles, and hydrate your skin. At Clinage, we've taken advantage of this miracle skin care ingredient by infusing them into our professional skin care products.
Glycolic Acid is borrowed from the sugar cane plant. This potent element is known for its extraordinary ability to peel away the layers of dead skin cells and exfoliate the top layer of skin. We've found that our use of glycolic acid penetrates faster and deeper into the dermal layer, thus stimulating the regeneration of collagen and elastin — the natural chemicals our skin produces to improve skin texture, and elasticity.
Mother Nature must have a great complexion, since all of the best skin care products are found in Alpha Hydroxy super foods. Mother Nature must have a great complexion, since all of the best skin care products are found in Alpha Hydroxy super foods. Lactic Acid is derived from sour milk and is a popular aid for improving the hydration, texture, and tone of our skin. No need to take a relaxing milk bath, however, because we've harnessed the power of this potent acid and have witnessed its spectacular effects. Lactic acid is uniquely gentle in comparison to it's AHA siblings, and works well in reducing wrinkles and improving skin tone and texture.
When applied to your skin, citric acid, another Alpha Hydroxy Acid, can slough off dead skin cells and speed new cell turnover. Topical acidic treatments are known to brighten skin, minimize pores, treat acne, and correct fine lines and dark spots. These citric acids can be applied to skin in the fashion of facial scrubs, skin toners, peels, and facial masks. This powerful AHA penetrates deeply into your pores and removes dirt and oil, leaving your skin refreshed and brightened with a healthy glow.
A glass of wine a day can actually keep the doctor away — well, at least your dermatologist. Tartaric acid is found in wine grapes and is well known for its ability to lighten dark skin pigmentation and to reduce the appearance of acne scars. Tartaric acid is used to maintain optimal pH balance of our skin care products, and enhance their ability to unclog the pores in hair follicles that are blocked by dead skin cells, dirt, oil, and bacteria.

Malic Acid is yet another AHA and it helps to shed the outer layer skin cells of the epidermis by loosening the glue that holds them together. The outermost layer of our skin is the Stratum Corneum, which is mostly made up of dead skin, dirt and oil, and other nasty things that mask the beauty of our skin. This rejuvenation effect helps by thinning out the epidermis, which improves skin texture and the ability of skin to reflect light.
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I have been using your antioxidant cream for the past couple of years and will not go back to any other creams! I love the way my skin feels and I do believe it helps my skin look healthy and radiant. Using your system feels like getting a facial everyday. Thank you!
Diana on