Marcia Fosnaugh Avis
Performs Clinical Skin Evaluation
Perscribing products
Dermatologist formulated skincare, from our clinic to your home!
Clinage, formerly known as Clinitone, originated in a dermatology office to help patients prevent or treat aging, suffered from acne, rosacea, psoriasis, deramtitis, dark spots, age spots, and sagging skin; formulations of Dr. Robert Fosnaugh MD since 1958. Today, the late dermatologist’s daughter Marcia Fosnaugh-Avis, has brought these formulations to market and readily available without prescription. Clinage has helped both men & women, teens & adults for the past 50 years. Clinage Skin Rejuvenation systems is a smart skin care product line with effective formulations of highly potent vitamins A,C,E & B3 and non-buffered glycolic acid.
The Clinage System is a simple 3-step process you can use at home, Exfoliate, Rejuvenate and Nourish. Using this system works with your own skin's natural course of healing, restoring and rejuvenating with the help of Clinage. Multiplying collagen and elastin fibers, correcting dark spots, and healing untreated skin;
resulting in a beautiful, healthy, Clinage glow.
Our breakthrough products are formulated with safe, non-toxic glycolic acid that helps prepare your skin with gentle exfoliation to absorb our concentrated vitamins A, C, E & B3 in our advanced topical therapies. These antioxidant vitamins protect us from skin damage to extreme oxidation. Vitamin A is the fuel for the maintenance, repair, and formulation of elastin. Vitamin C promotes tissue growth and the creation of collagen. Vitamin E work synchronously with vitamin A & C to rebuild tissue, improve circulation, and protect our skin from the oxidation of fats, and other free radicals.
The Clinage System is a simple 3-step process you can use at home, Exfoliate, Rejuvenate and Nourish. Using this system works with your own skin's natural course of healing, restoring and rejuvenating with the help of Clinage. Multiplying collagen and elastin fibers, correcting dark spots, and healing untreated skin;
resulting in a beautiful, healthy, Clinage glow.
Our breakthrough products are formulated with safe, non-toxic glycolic acid that helps prepare your skin with gentle exfoliation to absorb our concentrated vitamins A, C, E & B3 in our advanced topical therapies. These antioxidant vitamins protect us from skin damage to extreme oxidation. Vitamin A is the fuel for the maintenance, repair, and formulation of elastin. Vitamin C promotes tissue growth and the creation of collagen. Vitamin E work synchronously with vitamin A & C to rebuild tissue, improve circulation, and protect our skin from the oxidation of fats, and other free radicals.

All of our skin care treatment kits are specifically tailored for your individual skin type. These kits include formulations of Glycolic Acid and Alpha Hydroxy Acids (AHA) using Clinages chemical advantage formulations.
Kits (7 items)

Treats Dark Spots (3 items)

Treats Dull Skin (4 items)

Treats Loose Neck/Jowls (5 items)

Treats Puffy Eyes/Dark Circles (5 items)

Treats Sagging Skin (6 items)

Treats Sun Damage (5 items)

Treats Wrinkles (9 items)
Skin Care Products
Skin Care Solutions

December 17, 2014
Skin Rejuvenation Secrets You Must Never Go Without - Mag C
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December 07, 2014
Exfoliation - The Most Important Skin Care Article You Will Read
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Clinage, formally known as Clinitone was one of the first Cosmeceuticals to successfully combine the miraculous properties of Glycolic Acid with the powerful antioxidant vitamins A, C, & E. The result is extraordinary.. Deep Skin Repair and true Skin Rejuvenation.
Marcia Fosnaugh Avis - Founder and President/ International Spokesperson has devoted the past 30 years researching skin care in her dermatology/ plastic surgery clinic and she is very proud to share the benefits of her research with you.
Marcia Fosnaugh Avis - Founder and President/ International Spokesperson has devoted the past 30 years researching skin care in her dermatology/ plastic surgery clinic and she is very proud to share the benefits of her research with you.